Dental x-rays are pictures of the teeth, bones, and soft tissues around them. Dental x-rays are taken to help identify problems with the teeth, mouth and jaw. They can show hidden dental structures like wisdom teeth, cavities, and bone loss that cannot be observed in a visual examination. After undergoing dental treatments a dental x-ray may also be taken to follow-up on the treatment. Call your Canyon Dental & Hair Transplant Studio receptionist and schedule a complete dental exam which includes dental x-rays.

What Are Digital X-Rays

The two main types of dental x-rays are intraoral and extraoral x-ray’s. Intraoral dental x-rays are the most common dental x-rays and these are taken when the x-ray film is inside the mouth. Intraoral dental x-rays provide additional details about your oral health and allow your dentist to identify cavities, examine the roots, ligaments and bone surrounding the teeth, observe development and generally monitor the health of the hard tissues.

Extraoral dental x-rays do not provide the fine details shown in teeth as do intraoral dental x-rays. The main focus of extraoral dental x-rays is on the supporting tissues of the teeth. the jawbones and their ligaments. Extraoral dental x-rays are taken with the dental x-ray film placed outside of the mouth. They are not typically used for detecting cavities or identifying problems with individual teeth. Extraoral dental x-rays are used to look for impacted teeth, to identify potential problems with jaw structure and development, locate disease and to observe the functional relationship of the teeth to the jawbone.

Dental x-rays give your Canyon Dental & Hair Transplant Studio professional a more exact picture of your oral health. Call today to schedule an exam and professional cleaning.